The Roberts & Ryan team was in Virginia for the 10th Annual Boulder Crest Foundation Golf Tournament. It’s an event that we’re proud to be a sponsor of – Boulder Crest is doing very important work. Unfortunately, we need a strong military, and we need people that are willing to do what is necessary in difficult times.
Boulder Crest is helping our veterans that need help the most. Please take a look at their website here – “The Home of Post Traumatic Growth”:
George Washington’s quote that’s inscribed on our plaque is powerful. I’ll add it here to emphasize:
“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation.”
We need to take care of our veterans, and Boulder Crest is leading the charge. Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc. is committed to the cause, which is why we are so passionate about supporting the Boulder Crest Foundation.
Please take a look at our donations page where you can see for yourself the different organizations that we’ve helped to support.